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Why Choose Us

See the compelling reasons why you should use Nthekelehoo.

Reasons to use our Service

1. Product is not available locally

Ever wanted to buy a certain product but found that the local shops do not have it in stock? Then NthekeleHoo is perfect for you. We will help you find the product you are looking for and fly it into Botswana for you. Terms and Conditions Apply

3. I am looking for unique items abroad

Bored of the same old shops and same old products? Then use our service to gain access to unique products. Terms and Conditions Apply

5. I do not know how to shop on other websites

If you are not familiar on how to make a purchase online? Then come on over to our office and we will show you how. Terms and Conditions Apply

7. The website doesn't offer direct shipping to your country including Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Swaziland, Namibia and South Africa.

If your products seller doesn’t ship to your country we will use our own overseas address to purchase your products for you and ship them to your country on your behalf.

2. Product is very expensive locally

Sometimes you may find that local shops are charging a premium on certain products that are offered for much lower elsewhere, we will help you get that item at a much more affordable price. Terms and Conditions Apply

4. I have tried online shopping but i do not trust other websites

We will help you identify trustworthy websites from Scam websites to shop from. We will also bear any risk while shopping on other websites by offering  a 100% Money Back Guarantee if your goods purchased are not delivered. Terms and Conditions Apply.

6. I do not know how to pay for the products on other websites

We can help you make a payment on an order on another website, on top of that we can help you ship your goods into your country.

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